BCBS.com: Flexible Content with Drupal 8 & Paragraphs
The modern web is made up of small, digestible chunks of content arranged in rows and grids on a page. The single content column is no longer enough to tell a cohesive story. But how do we make these smaller pieces of content manageable for an author? How do we plan the design of a flexible system of content rather than the design of a single template?
With Drupal 8 and the Paragraphs module, Oomph [1] created from the ground up a series of Cards and Rows for the BCBSA team and the relaunch of BCBS.com [2] in November 2016.
This talk reviews the end goal we crafted during Discovery, the design explorations, then the method for breaking down and building the system of modular components that we needed using Atomic Design [3] principals.
Director of UX and Design J. Hogue will walk through the process of creating this system, show examples of content pages built with it, and even give attendees a peek under the hood at the admin experience.
Drupalcon page with video of original presentation: https://events.drupal.org/baltimore2017/sessions/bcbscom-pushing-design-limits-paragraphs
Subsequent blog post on the same topic: https://www.oomphinc.com/notes/2017/05/bcbs-modular-content-drupal-paragraphs/
[1] https://www.oomphinc.com
[2] https://www.bcbs.com
3] http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-2/