Jim Fisk
Web Design & Tech Consulting @ Jantcu
Jim has been building sites using Drupal since version 6 with a focus on configurable interfaces to provide an intuitive experience for content editors where they can control site layout and aesthetics without having to write custom code. He spoke on these topics at the latest Drupal NYC Camp at the United Nations in New York City and NERD Summit at UMass Amherst.
Jim founded Jantcu in 2015 to provide technical training and dev support to organizations undertaking complex projects involving third-party system integrations and extending the contrib ecosystem. Jim has released and is the current maintainer of several contributed modules including Uncache, Salesforce Term Reference, Rules Relate, and Paragraphs Reference Manager.
He is leading the DStart initiative to make Drupal more accessible to newcomers by creating a LAMP environment that is simple to get up and running and includes all of the Drupal dev tools you'll ever need right out of the box. Jim contributes to Drupal core sprints and is a co-organizer of the Boston Drupal Meetup.